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Are you a business owner or a key leader?

Would you like to have the opportunity to learn from and encourage others as we discuss running a growing business?

Plum Creek offers a mastermind group for people just like you.

Leading the group is Keith Zimmerman, one of the owners of Plum Creek Farm LLC. Keith has launched multiple businesses over his career, including Plum Creek Farm Market and Creamery, located in Bernville, PA.

Meetings are organized by Jim Wall, a consultant who assists Plum Creek with business development. Jim has served in a variety of leadership roles in for-profit and non-profit businesses. Jim is credentialed by the International Coaching Federation, and is a Certified Professional Leadership Coach through the Professional Christian Coaching Institute.

Membership in the mastermind groups is limited to no more than 8 people, inclusive of Keith and Jim.

The group meets once a month, from 7:00 am to 9:00 am at Plum Creek. The meeting typically includes check-in updates from the members, Keith presenting on a topic, and open discussion. A delicious, complimentary Plum Creek breakfast is offered during our break.

Plum Creek may choose to require some reading or video viewing as part of the Masterminds.

Other books, articles, videos might be recommended by Plum Creek or participants during the course of the Mastermind meetings. Accessing these materials is not mandatory. Participants may choose to access these materials at their own cost and convenience.

As part of the membership fee, each mastermind participant can access up to 2 hours of 1:1 time with Keith, Jim, or both, in-between meetings. These 1:1 meetings are member-initiated.

Learn more! Schedule a time to meet Keith and Jim for an informational meeting.
Let’s get to know each other, and discuss any questions you may have.